Immediately after Marie’s return, a bigger mission was planned for July: Well, the travel preparations are done, I will be back to the island in three weeks. A user from another forum accompanies me this time, which makes me very happy. This time a big neutering action is planned. All adult female cats at my […]
As planned in April, Marie traveled to Andros for the second time in May 2017. A visit to the garbage containers showed that almost all cats were still there, meanwhile 3 kittens lived among the containers and new cats were added. The first action was started immediately: a cat was caught for neutering and the […]
The animal welfare activities on Andros began with Marie’s holiday on Andros in April 2017 and a call for help from her in a forum on the Internet, long before the association was founded: „Hi, I’m on vacation on an island near Athens, and there are sick stray cats running at my feet at every […]