We are incredibly sad that Marie Wöpking, founder and first chairwoman of our association, died unexpectedly on April 13, 2019.
During a vacation trip just two years ago, you could not close your eyes to the suffering of stray cats on Andros. Since there was no responsible animal welfare organization, you decided without further ado to tackle yourself – knowing that this would be a long-term, time-consuming and exhausting project.
With a bearing combination of idealism and realism, you have developed a concept that immediately creates first care and also has a lasting effect.
You have sensitively reported on each single cat as an individual worthy of protection and affirmed this with impressive photos. Instead of pitying on images of horror, you have cast us under the spell of your actions. By and by we stood by your side, although we all trusted that you would guide us for a long time.
It is your merit that in the past two years nearly 120 cats have been neutered, more than 70 cats fed daily and periodical freed from parasites, almost 40 cats which no run a chance and 4 dogs could be placed in loving new homes.
You have already achieved so much and yet were full of visions that you can no longer put into reality.
We promise you that we will do our best to make Cats at Andros e.V. grow in the way you had in mind, with the firm conviction that you are by our side.
Sandra A. on behalf of all association´s members
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