As written at the end of the last trip report the food that was delivered to S. about two months ago was already running low, so we resupplied.
Ordering directly from the land dealer on Andros has become routine. Our club member Sandra A. turned again to the trader with the request to deliver the usual amount, and already four days later more than 600 kg reached our friend S.: 18 bags of 20 kg dry food and 312 cans of 810 g wet food. Fortunately, this time without price increase, so that this pallet, like the previous one, also cost 775 euros.
S. took in the summer quite a few kittens with him, which were rescued from the feeding stations. The little ones have grown splendidly in the meantime, their appetite however likewise. So we expect that in the future the food will not last as long as before.
Our furry table guests on Andros would therefore be very grateful for a donation to the giro or PayPal account!
The delivery of food to our partners H. & I., which was also announced in the above-mentioned travel report, will still take some time. Together with them, we are currently clarifying whether we can also win a feed dealer in their vicinity for us and beat out a little price advantage. After all, we want to use every donated Euro in the best possible way!