Pentecost is celebrated in Greece, like in our country, 50 days after Easter. However, since the Orthodox Easter took place later than ours, Pentecost is yet to come.
This is a good opportunity for the Andros cats to send you greetings in the meantime!
First, we hear from two cats living with a resident in the north of the island. We have very little contact with her, but she lets us know that Calimero and Emma, from whom we last heard over 15 months ago, are doing very well!

Let’s quickly move over to a small group of cats cared for by our friends H. & I. We have recently been more actively supporting them with neutering, which is easily recognizable by the regrowing fur over the surgery scar.
So, here is our first search picture – who can spot Briseis, Janea, Maat, and Perla?
In this group, we also have our black cat Zora, who cheekily sticks out her tongue at us, and next to her is the black-and-white Xanti. In the front, we see Briseis once again.

Since we’re already in the area, let’s stay with the other cats that H. & I. have shown us in the past few weeks.
In the middle, hidden and camouflaged to match the masonry, Liakáda is eating.

Two white and red tabbies and Elaia, to the right in the middle, look at us attentively.

At a relatively new feeding spot for us, we can see Thetis, the white and colorful cat, on the far right in the middle, and Yanna in the very back in the middle.

Here comes the next search picture. Where are Hathor, Luna, Queenie, and Dolores, and Gianna, who were last seen in June of last year?
As always, our Andros cats are once again competing for the „Long Time No See“ trophy.
At this moment, Emma and Calimero are being replaced by the favorite, Nersi, who hasn’t been seen in any photos since December 2022!

With his last sighting in October 2023, Darek has no chance of winning. But he doesn’t mind at all. The main thing for him is that the food tastes good!

We last saw Imani, Sura, and Gabriele in the autumn or towards the end of 2023….
… as well as Emilio and Georgia, who you can discover in this search picture.
The last sighting of Milana was back in February 2023, so it has been quite a while.

Irida would probably have preferred to hide because she was on her way to the veterinarian due to dental problems. But now everything is fine again!

Similarly, Tyche, who was blind in her right eye since she was a kitten, had to have it removed recently.

For a change, here’s a search picture again. Can you see Mýti, Sphera, Suse, Talia, and Tonks?
Here’s Tonks once again exclusively, as he takes the lead with the last sighting in June 2022

… only to pass it right back to Mausi, who last graced us with her presence in February 2022 and still prefers to stay in the background! The drama takes the foreground, unseen since January 2023.

Less camera-shy are the black-and-white Sikari, in front of Margarita, and on the right, Hannah.

On the right side of the picture, is Gaia, who enjoys herself with her cat buddies from the construction equipment rental.

A friend of H. & I. takes care of several cats in the garden of her house, including Poly, Monterosa, and Chiuvana, three of our Andros cats.
Hellmuth cheekily sticks his tongue out at us.

Then let’s head over to the other side of the island, where H. & I. took a photo of Elli, an Andros stalwart who was neutered back in December 2017.

Our Greek friend, who mostly lives in Athens but recently spent nearly three weeks back in Andros, has reported to us about the feeding spots there. Unfortunately, her camera stopped working in the middle of her stay. Giving up, however, was not an option because we wanted to see our cats! Therefore, we apologize for the sometimes poor image quality!
Scotty had to visit the vet at the beginning of April due to a cold, then recovered peacefully at A.’s home, but has since returned to his cat friends at the feeding spot.

Gin also remains loyal to this feeding spot.

Here’s Scotty and Gin once again.

Gin, who arrived at this feeding spot as a kitten in the summer of 2022, is accompanied by Gella and Zino.
Also living here are Data, Liane, Zora, Nyota, and Mocca.
Lady initially lived there after her extensive leg surgery, but A. has since taken her home with her.

Old familiar faces can be found at the other spots on this side of the island as well. Some have not been seen for longer periods, but it’s already revealed that Mausi remains the undisputed champion and can proudly display the trophy in her showcase or even have her food served in it until the next report.
Medea has been with us since mid-2019. Alongside her in this group live Arabella, Kalinero, Chará, Günni, Dante, Emely, and Lars-Ole.
Let’s take another look at a different feeding spot with our scruffy Miss Meier, who seems to be investigating the edibility of a stone, alongside Tigre and Amelie.
But now, let’s conclude our little island tour back at the starting point in the northwest with a beautiful island photo from H. & I., as it has gotten quite late now!

Would you like to join us in supporting our Greek animal welfare friends in caring for the Andros cats, so we can continue enjoying such images? You can, for example, sponsor a neutering procedure or a long-term sponsorship! Feel free to get in touch with us or check here for more information:
Neutering sponsorship and long-term sponsorship
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