Apart from the last travel report, it has been quite a while since our Andros cats gathered to send greetings your way. We want to make up for that now—in the usual way, with a colorful potpourri of rarely seen cats and true spotlight divas who never miss a photo opportunity!
But first, here is a belated update regarding Nyota. We will no longer see her at Feeding Station 2.
No, nothing bad has happened to her, and she’s not missing. Nyota (or Violetta, as she’s known to the Greeks) had been living for a long time at the home of our friend A.(2), who usually resides in Athens. As early as July 2017, at the start of the Andros project, she was spayed and was often spotted there.
She wasn’t very interested in mingling with the other cats, so our friend decided not just to treat her as a cat at a feeding station but to officially adopt her. Long story short: Nyota now lives in Athens!
Here she still looks a bit bewildered by her move:

But she settled in quickly…
…and even helps out in the kitchen when needed.

Shortly before returning to Athens with Nyota, Kirian made an appearance one evening (hence the poor picture quality). He had kept a low profile after his neutering.

The cats living around the house, like Gin…

…often go to eat at S.’s place nearby, as does Liane, who will appear later. Or they settle in with him entirely, like Scotty (left) and Data (right), who are inseparable best friends and always seen together.
Speaking of S.—how about a seek-and-find puzzle? Can you spot Athina, Data, Hektor, Kaskader, Marios, Nikita, Scotty, Tebetan, and Yuki? As always, the solution is in the second image.
Here’s a small group photo featuring (from the front) Tebetan, Data, Scotty, and Yuki.

Cariba and Leiadera are also present but seem more focused on a vitamin-rich diet.

Before moving on, here’s another seek-and-find puzzle. This time, you can spot Athina, Data, Hektor, Kaskader, Marios, Nikita, Scotty, Tebetan, and Yuki, along with the aforementioned Liane and Marie.
We also received some recent photos from the nearby feeding stations.
Here we see, from the front: Tabitha, Tigre, Miss Meier, and an as-yet-unknown colorful cat who bears some resemblance to Vina.

Vina, however, is even more colorful.

The large tabby in the center of the photo is Manolis, recognizable by his distinct “dot-stripe pattern” and his slightly tattered left ear. We hadn’t seen him for over two years!

Panthea also calls this area home.

In the last travel report, we mentioned that during Jörg’s visit to our local friend G III., some cats didn’t make an appearance but are doing well. Among them is Holly, from whom we now have a photo after nearly two years.

From our friends H. & I., we received this photo…

…along with plenty of other material.
Mario makes up for his absence since August 2023 with two photos.
Here’s a small group featuring (from left) Hathor, an as-yet unneutered tomcat, Luna, Queenie, and Gianna.

In the area, you’ll also find the black-and-white Malu and (in the background) the colorful Ayla…

…as well as Marisini.

In the last travel report, we also mentioned the Spanish friends who settled in Andros. In the small wooded area at the foot of their house, a group of cats is thriving, including our own Gromit, Monakis, Pitouto, and Ranger. Can you spot them?
Nearby lives Gabriele, who occasionally drops by this spot.

Here’s a little family photo of mother and daughter: On the left is Salome, and on the right is Mayo. The latter was last seen during her spaying in April 2023—her first and only appearance so far!

Bubbles and the recently spayed Tikva.
Here’s the group where the two of them live, in what appears to be a rather pleasant location.

At another feeding station, three of our Andros cats make an appearance. From the right, we see Athina, last photographed in February 2023, followed by Chionáti and Daisy, who hadn’t been seen since July 2023.

The black cat Ghost is living up to his name once again, remaining invisible. However, at his usual spot, we can see the white-and-gray Selena directly in front of the feeder, with the ginger-striped Melios in the center, and on the far left, the white-and-gray Aria.

But wait a moment… Ghost, with his black fur, eventually made a calm appearance!

At the newly established feeding station, these three Andros cats were spotted: in the back center, the gray Ginger; directly in front of her, the colorful Grace; and to the right, the multicolored, speckled Thetis.

A small group living in a scenic spot with a lovely view, captured in the atmospheric evening light: from the front, Erna, Cara, and Lucretia.
Now, a series of individual portraits:

Now a Random Series of Individual Portraits:
Erica, Kourabiedes, and Margaret—all last seen over a year ago.
Eirene, not photographed since her spaying in May 2022, takes the „long-time-no-see“ trophy in this report!

Lucinda, spayed just this July, as well as the black-furred Jenna.
Koko, who had been in hiding for about a year and a half.

Mauroula, unseen since her spaying in September 2023.

Alana, Andromache, Tychi, Schnurri, Imani and Zois:
Felisha is always ready for a photo.

Irina, who hid from us for almost two years.

Here’s another small group: in the front, the colorful Agiamarina; in the middle, her equally colorful mother Dolores; and on the right, the black-furred Coco, not photographed since August 2022.

Finally, two photos of a larger group:
On the wall, second, from the right, is Croissant; to the right of the utility box is the black-and-white Ainslie; and in the foreground is Artemis, who had remained hidden since October 2022.

In the second photo, the black-and-white Maddie, in the front right, has her back turned to us.

We hope this little tour of our Andros cats has made your Advent season even more delightful!
The fact that our Greek friends are able to care for their—and our—cats so well is also thanks to the regular food donations they receive from us. Only recently, H. & I. were able to take delivery of another pallet with over 600 kg of wet and dry food. This was the 39th food delivery to our friends:

To continue making this possible in the future, we need support and appreciate every donation! You can contribute either directly through our bank account…
Association Account and PayPal
… or by setting up a small, regular donation subscription:
Our Andros cats and we wish you a peaceful, reflective Christmas season and a wonderful start to the new year. We sincerely thank you for your support this year, which has enabled us to achieve so much, as our upcoming annual review will highlight.
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