Dear friends of the Andros cats!
This year too, we would like to send you warm greetings and a grateful „meow“ from our cats. The Christmas table is well set, and one or two treats are sure to be included. Sated and satisfied, they can enjoy the southern winter sun or the warm cuddly bed in Germany. We would like to thank you very much for this!
We wish you and your families with and without fur a peaceful and quiet Christmas. To the sad ones we wish a shoulder to support them. To the sick, that they will soon feel better and be able to recover. And peace and health to all of us.
Our pictures should be a little present for you. Enjoy our colourful Andros mix! A few cats have dared to appear in front of the lens again after more or less a long time! And our Greek friends H. & I. also contributed some beautiful pictures of Andros.
Let’s start with a hidden object picture!
We have recognised: Afroditi, Agrótis, Althea, Bella, Jack, Melios, Sikari and Zampino. Zampino is one of the rare guests mentioned. We only had a photo of him from November 2021, when he was neutered.

For those who didn’t find their sponsor cat right away – here’s the solution:

For a change, first an individual portrait of our pirate Arni.

In the back we see Apate, in the front her mother Boukla.

Jinx, who has problems with her mouth every now and then, but fortunately not here at the moment.

Hermine in an elegant black fur dress.

The recently neutered Nersi. The operation scar has healed very well, as you can see. Now only fur has to grow over it.

Erica welcomes us to her garden.

Impressively, as befits a tomcat, Lalo puts himself in the limelight.

Zora, neutured in July.

Out of focus, but cute: Yuugi.

Sharper and no less pretty: Taraja.

Ainslie, who was seriously ill in January and neutered in March, enjoys the company of her friends.

Cassandra catches some more of the sun’s warmth.

Here the group around the colourful Liakáda in the foreground and Schmuddelkatz behind the black cat. Elaia, who has only just been neutered, is also part of the group on the far left of the picture.

Another group without cats from us, which is also cared for by H. & I..

Rieke, who we haven’t seen since March this year.

The colourful tabby Mara.

A small group around the threesome (from left back to front) Moritz, Dora and Anyanee.

Violetta, neutered in February 2022, and Nora, already neutered in December 2021.

Marisini at her feeding place with a beautiful sea view.

Synnefo also has a nice view when he’s not peering into the food bowl at the bottom of the wall.

Here are three recently neutered cats who have survived the operation very well and are already living among their friends again:
Hellmuth and the stupidity of some people. Cats live here, either directly or as can be seen from the food bowls. Nevertheless, there are people who simply throw broken glass panes away wildly. So H. & I. cleaned up first. (By the way, there are rubbish containers right next to the spot!)

Already shown in the travel report from summer 2022, but now with content – one of the cat houses made by the school children there.

Before we leave the island again, at least virtually…

… another impressive natural spectacle.
With rapid temperature changes and corresponding air movement, these impressive cloud swirls sometimes appear in the bays:
But now we wish you all a Merry Christmas!

And for those of you who would like to adopt an Andros cat, you will find all the information you need on our neutering and permanent adoption page. neutering and permanent sponsorships page.