October 12th, 2020
Still, the pandemic is a great issue.
But we still planned to look after „our Andros cats“ in autumn, to prepare them for the next winter. This time, Jörg is traveling, again as a „one-man-show“, as he did also last October.
Still exciting to the end…travel preparations…changed schedule of the ferries…negative corona testing…
Same procedure as every time, the journey begins with packing of the suitcases. You can clearly see the priorities – the big one is for the Andros-cats, the small ones for the traveler.

Getting there again was trouble-free. So, that enough time was left to loot the supermarkets.
This time, two Lidl had to be visited to get the needed amount of food.
For a perfect timing, Jörg took the first flight in the morning and the last ferry in the evening. One year ago, he arrived at Andros when the sun was rising, this time he saw the sunset and arrived at Gavrio when night has fallen.
October 13th, 2020
Feeding site 1
The next morning, the feeding sites were visited. It was windy and rainy, so only a few cats were seen. But as known from the coast – sunshine at noon.
Feeding site 2

In the afternoon at feeding site 2, this beautiful picture could be made.
In detail, following cats presented:
Feeding site 3

From the front to the back: Miss Meier, Timos, Sokrates, one unknown tiger, and an unneutered red male.

Sokrates still is Mr. Cuddle at this feeding site!
Private feeding site at S.
Our friend S. was visited today and three little cats were picked up for neutering. One of the three ist already well-known:

This black and white cat was found by our friend A., who also brought him to S., he was already named „Tuppes“.
Today he redeems his voucher for neutering!
Here, some pictures from S.:
These tiny cats were handed over to Lavinia during her journey in August. An older woman wanted her to take care of them. They came to S. and now they were searching for their sponsors.

A colorful girl, now named Thea.

Tigercat Mageía (in the front Thea again).
Our vet had an appointment with her dentist, so while waiting for the neutered cats, there was some time to explore Chora, the „capital“ of Andros.
At top of the promontory, a fortress built is 1207 is located. Until 1943 it was well conserved, but then it was destroyed by bomb attacks. In front of the fortress, within the ocean, the Tourlitis-Lighthouse can be seen. In 1990, it was build true to the original, which was also destroyed in 1943.

October 14th, 2020
Today’s daily report is getting a bit text-heavy. Among the six castration candidates, the pleasing prehistory must be told that there are inhabitants who pay attention to their animals we are perceived and addressed throughout the island.
Shortly before this trip we received an email from German tourists. Among other things, they wrote that there are many unneutered cats at their holiday home and asked if we could help; the landlord would agree.
The contact with the landlord was then quickly established via WhatsApp. He seems to be one of the more mindful inhabitants. In any case, he feeds the cat that come on his property. It’s logical that this is talking about under the fur-noses.
So we promised him to get to know each other on this trip and, secondly, of course, to help where we can.
You all know the proverb of the offered little finger and the whole taken hand. When he was sure of our help, he mentioned a friend a few places further, who also has unneutered cats and whether one might also there…
Said, done – this morning, three cats from him and three cats from his friend were waiting for the trip to the vet. They were picked up the next day; for the sake of better overview, we therefore present these castration candidates only at the end of the report of October 15th.
The visit to this inhabitant was a very cordial one! They thanked us very much for what we do on the island. Jörg was able to return it lightheartedly; we are happy for every person who does not leave his own or run-in animals unsupplied.
And it is not out of the question that in the future exactly here will happen what is our aim – that the inhabitants bring their animals to the vet and do not wait for the few journeys on our part.
But enough of it, because the day started of course at the feeding places.
At feeding site 1, Thorin could be seen. You can see that he liked it!

At feeding site 3 the unneutered grey-white cat appeared.
Apart from the bigger getting to know and castration action in the morning, there was a reunion with friends. Our two A.’s invited the traveler to a meal on the harbour promenade. As might be expected, other guests turned up, who show special interest in the served fish.
One of the guests was Elli, who was neutered at the end of 2017 and was not seen again until February 2020, since she is usually located directly in the village. In addition, there were other scamblers. The white cat could be Christa II, who was neutered long time ago and who Lavinia also met in the village in February.
As lovely the meeting with our friends began, so sad it ended, unfortunately.
At first, Jörg learned that he would probably not see his favourite cat Wassilios again. He was last sighted in the early spring of 2020. Since the terrible news at the end of April, that poisoned cats were found at feeding site 1, Wassilios is also considered missing.
Then, a cat was run over in front of the guests and passers-by on the street. She ran across the street. Couldn’t the driver stop braking or didn’t he want to? We don’t know. It was not the white one who sat at the table with us, but another white with a green and a blue eye, that we were photographing just before, because A. thought she was missing by a local resident.
What also horrified us, was the indifference of those who watched the desaster. Except for us, hardly anyone took notice of it. Probably, the cat would still be lying on the street. Since everything went so fast, no one could remember the license plate and even if, what would the police care…

This beautiful white cat now bears the name Sýnnefo (Wolke) and rests next to the cat found in July Tetarti in the abandoned shelter outside the village.
By now it had already become night. There is therefore no evening news from the feeding sites.
Let’s hope for nicer news tomorrow and light a candle for „Wolke“!
October 15th, 2020
And it can’t be all bad and sad! That day actually gave hope and some comfort. Of course, yesterday’s pictures don’t go out of your headwhen you hold a dying cat in your arms. But it reliefs the pain when you are able to do something good with friends and other locals!

First, Jörg visited feeding site 2, where well-known and new faces can be seen.
In the middle of the hustle and bustle, Data plays the main role.
Here, two previously unknown cats:

Eva – her spots on the eye seem to be remnants of a cat sniff, because they do not change with or without antibiotics.

A picture of tense but peaceful attention – one could roughly imagine the guardian cats from the „Warrior Cats“ series.
Data and Zora are sitting at the top. Below, Amy II and Nikolas watch.
With S. it was planned to catch cats at feeding site 3 and therefore arranged to collect boxes at his home. An opportunity to photograph cats that have not yet been seen here, or to bring even better focus to the ones that have already been shown.
Shari and Tayo, the supermarket kittens neutered in August look very similar in the face. But now you can see very nicely the differences in the body:

The kittens neutered on Tuesday are doing magnificently. They are so bustling, that a sharp picture is unthinkable:

This is what total relaxation looks like! Unfortunately, only cats like Phoenix get it right.
With S. there was the following plan: first to catch cats at feeding site 3 and then in the village to collect a cat from the resident, to whom Lavinia handed over above mentioned kittens. Because Lavinia grabbed the opportunity in August cleverly, she made the condition that S. only accepts the kittens if the mother cat is also neutered!
At feeding site 3, two long-established male cats could be captured within a very short time:
Then we went on as agreed to the local resident in the village, who also had the mother cat ready. During the brief conversation at the handover, another cat slowly crossed the street, which is the sister of the mother cat.
The question of the lady, if we would let her also castrate, if she was already running around here, was answered with a short „yes“, which gave this cat an unexpected stay in a transport box.
Here the two „village cats“:
With four cats Jörg then went to the vet. There he surprisingly met our partner A. and H. & I. from the other side of the island.

A. had the grey kitten, which has been shown many times, examined and tested – fortunately, everything is fine. But it is still too small for neutering, the sponsor has to be patient.
H. & I. brought two black cats for neutering, with which we would like to support them again and were looking for (and found) sponsors.
In the afternoon there was a visit to the local G., whom Lavinia visited in August for the first time. He, too, is aware of the situation that feeding cats is , of course, right, but without castration a hopeless endeavor.

From him three cats were taken to the vet for castration. So, we will report on it tomorrow.
At least one picture of Filomila, neutered in August, we would like to show (Jasmina couldn’t be seen).

From the place where G. lives, one has a beautiful view over one of the many bays of Andros.
The day ended with a visit to feeding sites 1 and 3 and the release of Samuel and Tiger.
Here are the six cats that were picked up and neutered by the two „new“ locals on October, 14th:
October 16th, 2020
Today, the three cats from G., mentioned in the last report, were picked up at the vet, where they have been neutered, and brought back to their home, where they can rest in the house, while G. keeps an eye on them.
Yesterday we wrote that Jasmina, who was neutered together with Filomilo in August, did not show. Today we can announce that she is doing well. She was seen, but too far away and too shy for a photo.
Here are the three freshly neutured cats from G.:
We have already received news of the six cats of the resident and his acquaintance from the report of October 14th. The three cats of his acquaintance are doing well. Unfortunately, there are no photos now. His own cats also feel well:
Before the trip we also contacted the local V. ,who first asked us for help. There are no cats to neuter with her, but there must be time to keep in touch. There were hardly any cats to be seen around noon as usual, but supplemented with current photos of V. we come to this small picture gallery:
Today it was unspectacular at the feeding sites.

Here the newcomer again in the profile. At the first moment he caused uncertainty with Jörg.
Is it Robin? No, he is standing on the wall.
Thorin? No, he has longer fur.
A longer missed cat like Sunny? No.
In the end it was the look on the left ear – no notch, no capped tip. And the second look at the cats‘ back shows something unambiguous….

October 17th, 2020
The day started again with the supply of the three feeding sites. Here, pictures of places 1 and 2.
Feeding site 1

Probably not united?

Robin and Medea don’t even discuss around, but start eating immediately.
Feeding site 2

A beautiful portrait of Nikolas.

Yesterday, Nigel also appeared at the feeding site. His ears still look bad – the fate of so many white cats.
But we managed to apply a spot-on and serve a worm tablet, so that he has at least some rest.
Scotty, Eva, Data and Zora can be seen from the front.
Today, another visit at H. and I. to maintain contact was on the program. They do amazing things on the other side of the island! They have in their place and in the vicinity numerous feeding places. In addition, they look after cats in several houses with the permission of the owners, who only live there in the summer.These are wonderfully safe, dry places for the most part with extra shelters. In the more than 20 years in which they care for cats, they have also built up a proper network of friends who keep an eye on the strays and inform them immediately in case of irregularities.
Thanks to your donations, we can also afford to give them the worm tablets and spot-ons that are no longer needed on this trip. the cats desperately need such treatments. The joy of H. and I. was accordingly great.
But enough of the many words! At H. & I. at home and on a round trip, which could really only be done by car, Jörg was able to photograph some of „our“ cats, which could be neutered thanks to many support. Many thanks to all those who contribute to this result with their donations!
October, 18th to 20th 2020
The time has now come again and the final report is on the agenda.
Even before the start of the journey, one travel cat was chosen. Our friends H. & I. had captured a cat that broke its left front leg at some point. The leg healed badly and is now stiff. She can only walk on her knee and as a result, it is constantly sore. So, of course she couldn’t get back to a feeding site. On Andros, this can’t be operated on either. The poor thing was therefore already accommodated at the vet and now travels with us to Germany. In the course of these preparations, she was already given the name „Alissa“.
However, she is very shy and anxious. She let herself be touched and stroked, but probably only because she was trapped in her fear. It will take her a lot of time to gain confidence. You can’t imagine what she must have experienced.

The second travel cat also comes from H. & I., found on the street like Alissa. A young male that the left eye completely lacks. The eye socket will be supplied in Germany, Andros lacks the possibilities for this. This male was also prepared for the trip and got the name „Silas“.
Silas is a little curious cat, who is constantly scurrying around. Amazing what a loud purring could come out of this tiny two kilogram cat!

The rapid tests showed that both are FIV and FeLV negative. But they still spend time here separated so as not to stress Alissa unnecessarily.
On Sunday evening, S. invited everyone to his home for dinner. In the afternoon, however, a spontaneous rescue operation was carried out. In addition to Nigel, a white cat appeared at feeding site 2, which appeared in June 2020 for the first time and also has serious problems with the ears.
During her presence A. (2) was able to take care, but now she’s departing. That’s why H. & I. were asked for help. They agreed to take both cats with them until the next trip!
Unfortunately, only the white cat could be caught. Nigel was absent again. She was then quickly taken to H. & I. by Jörg.
In order to give Nigel another chance, Jörg and A. (2) agreed to make another catch attempt at the Monday farewell round at the feeding places. And luck was on their side. Even before Jörg arrived, A. (2) had Nigel in the box! And it was very necessary!
Nigel was supposed to be delivered to H. & I. in the afternoon on the way to the ferry. But since the two of them went to the vet anyway, because of an emergency, they took the white cat with them immediately and Jörg drove there with Nigel.
In Nigel’s case, the cancer, which is why a part of the ear has already been amputated, has unfortunately grown very quickly. Now, only a complete amputation, including the inner ear, will help.
With the island vet, such a difficult operation is not optimally possible. H. & I. decided to take Nigel to an Athens vet with whom they cooperate in such cases. And if Nigel is already traveling, the white cat can also go to Athens. So they asked Jörg to take the white cat and Nigel to the mainland and arranged the transfer from the ferry port Rafina to the vet through an acquaintance. This spontaneous action – just a few hours before the ferry departed – worked without any problems.

Already on Tuesday the cat had surgery on the ear and was also neutered – and thus also got its name „Hanni“.
Here a picture from June 2020 when she was first seen.
With Nigel it’s a little more complicated. He is due to have surgery a day later. No information was available until the return journey.

The above mentioned emergency is Hermine, who suddenly could no longer drop urine. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that she’ll be better off quickly!
At the end of the trip, a last look at the feeding sites:
Feeding site 1
Dimitri was seen from afar, unfortunately, taking a photo was not possible.
Feeding site 2
Feeding site 3
There is, however, some sad news. At the meeting at S., A. (2) reported that she found Hypatia, who was neutered in July, at the supermarket near her feeding site already in August. Probably also a victim of road traffic. Rest in peace, Hypatia!
We leave Andros again with a few impressions of this beautiful island:

The return flight took place the next day, so that an overnight stay on the mainland was taken. During this trip Silas obviously had a lot of fun.

„Who? Me? That wasn’t me! The toilet paper roll has exploded all by itself! Luckily, nothing happened to me!“
There is no other travel photo of Alissa. The poorest was so trapped in her fear, that Jörg left her alone as best as he could. However, both cats survived the journey very well and entered Berlin in the afternoon on October, 21st 2020. Welcome to your new home!

As always the conclusion at the end of the journey:
- Including the spontaneous rescue action at the end of the trip, a total of 19 cats were neutered.
- Nigel and the last castration cat were taken to Athens for treatment as soon as possible.
- At the feeding sites, the cats were again supplied with anti-parasite and anti-worm products.
- Another local became part of the project, who had his and the cats of an acquaintance neutured.
- Sýnnefo stays in our hearts.
- Likewise, Hypatia will not be forgotten.
There is an addendum to this trip with good and bad news:

Hermines condition is mixed. She was better at first, but she seemed to have cystitis and needed further treatment.
In the meantime, she was also transferred to Athens and had a surgery because of urinary stones. We continue to hope for her recovery!

Hanni underwent surgery on her ears, both ear tips had to be removed on a large scale. She is now doing very well in view of the circumstances.

Nigel had to have the entire ear, including the inner ear, amputated. His right eye should have been treated in a later operation.
After the surgery, he started eating well and even playing. On Monday, October 26th, his condition suddenly deteriorated and despite immediate care he sadly died on Tuesday. Probably it was just too much for his weakened body.
We had hoped so and everything was done for him in Athens. Rest in peace, Nigel!
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